Bravo Board
Tell us how you used your poem to express your passion. How did it make a difference? Write your own poem, if you wish. Then, give a Bravo to the comments you like best, and encourage others to do the same for you.
Tell us how you used your poem to express your passion. How did it make a difference? Write your own poem, if you wish. Then, give a Bravo to the comments you like best, and encourage others to do the same for you.
The last poem I received was not good selling. I did not like it
Kelsea Slesarenko
My last poem i received was not the best selling poem. I wasn’t a fan on it.
Kelsea Slesarenko
I loved my previous poem
It was okay not the best
Dianna Williams
i just tried that not sure of what is going to be in the first attempt. it was totally a random response
Tasneem Gilitwala
Loved it it made her feel loved
Timothy Remington
I really think she will like it
Timothy Remington
These are the best.
They made me feel really connected to every word. It’s so real
They was wonderful. They made sence and they made me feel so connected to every word
Awesome poems and site
Yo momma
Fabulous Poems. Highly recommend using this site
Fabulous love poems. I suggest others to use this.
The poem was amazing
It turned out fantastic, she loved it